March 2019 CROWNWeb NEWS



In This Issue:

ESRD Network Q&A

CMS-2744: Recording Available

Clinical FAQ

Clinical Closures

Download the PDF.

View past Newsletters.

Upcoming Events:

CROWNWeb Town Hall

March 28 • 2-3pm

Web Resources:

Help Me Form

Data Management Guidelines


CMS Conditions for Coverage for ESRD Facilities

video preview

Completing the 2018 CMS-2744 Annual Survey and other training videos, are now available in Training Videos.

For future newsletter suggestions or other questions, contact

ESRD Network Q&A

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the EQRS CROWNWeb Outreach, Communication, and Training (OCT) team were pleased to welcome Ms. Renee Dupee, CMS’ Senior ESRD Network Lead, to the February CROWNWeb Town Hall event. Ms. Dupee participated in a question and answer session outlining how CMS, the ESRD Networks, and Facilities work together to use the EQRS systems. Ms. Dupee answered multiple questions that covered such topics as: how the ESRD Networks use the EQRS systems, how the ESRD Networks are able to assist with both facility and patient questions, and when the CMS-2744 Annual Facility Survey will be due. Attendees also received information on how to contact their local ESRD Network and, when doing so, what information will assist with helping the ESRD Network with answering questions, as well as. Also, Ms. Dupee described additional training resources that are available from the ESRD Networks.

Additionally, the ESRD Networks were instrumental in providing expanded information on questions that they frequently receive. These questions included how to complete a CMS-2728 without a patient’s signature and what to do if a submitted form contains incorrect information. Lastly, the Networks addressed how facilities may access the EQRS and CROWNWeb system, a question OCT frequently receives. The following resources were discussed during the Town Hall event and are available to all facilities:

Locating an ESRD Network: Visit and select the ESRD Network menu. Hover over the desired state to view contact information.

Obtaining access to the EQRS Systems: Visit and select the Education menu. The EIDM and QARM Quick Start Guide provides step-by-step instructions for creating an account and obtaining access to the appropriate system.

Additional Training Materials: Visit your local ESRD Network’s website or to access Training Materials.

To view the February Town Hall event questions and answers in their entirety or to print out the downloadable PDF, please visit the Events page.

CMS-2744: Recording Available

The Outreach, Communication, and Training (OCT) team is pleased to announce that the CMS-2744 Annual Facility Survey training held on February 19th and 26th is now available online for viewing. This one-hour session provided attendees with step-by-step instructions on the entire CMS-2744 completion process.

Both the recording and downloadable PDF are available from the Training Videos section on the Education page. Additional step-by-step instructions can be found in the Help File located on the Help menu.

Clinical FAQ


When entering clinical data, what is CMS looking for in the Hepatitis B Surface Antibody field?


CMS is looking for the actual lab value. Many users enter Yes, No or some other entry, but CM is looking for the numerical value that the lab reports.

Clinical Closures

Clinical closure dates apply to all Collection Types (Hemodialysis; Peritoneal Dialysis). Additionally, clinical data submissions apply to all submission methods.

Reporting Month Clinical Closure Date
January 2019 Clinical Month April 1, 2019 at 11:59 PM PT
February 2019 Clinical Month April 30, 2019 at 11:59 PM PT
March 2019 Clinical Month May 31, 2019 at 11:59 PM PT

The information included as part of this newsletter is current as of the date of release.